sábado, 28 de março de 2015

3RC/000/ SC Santa Catarina State

3RC/000/SC Santa Catarina  State, from 3RC011 Angel 
QSLManager 3RC011, Pobox 314- Balneario Camboriu-SC Brasil  CEP 88330-000

sábado, 6 de dezembro de 2014

QSL´s Brasil RC

algumas das QSLs das atividades do grupo Romeo Charlie Internacional DX Group, aqui no Brasil
ainda falta algumas e tambem trabalhos futuros de ativação IOTA que a QSL ja esta pronta 3RC/ SA 047 Parana Stete Group Mel Island, a data ainda nao esta definida mas pra 2015.

IOTA que a QSL ja esta pronta 3RC/ SA 047 Parana Stete Group Mel Island, a data ainda nao esta definida mas pra 2015.                                        

RC Santa Claus Alphabet Contest 2014 Rules

RC Santa Contest Rules 2014

 Version Française                                                           Versión española
RC Santa Claus Alphabet Contest 2014 Rules
The objective of this contest is to reconstitute the words
by contacting the various RC stations around the world which will give you a letter of the 4 words.
The contest will begin on :
Saturday, December 13th and will end on Sunday, December 28th, 2014
JOKER station will be on air the second week, if you miss a letter.  
Attention only one QSO by JOKER station will be valid ! A complete log receive
 without any joker stations will be in priority from a complete log with joker stations !

14 RC 002 Carine Po.Box 3 18500 FOECY France