domingo, 13 de dezembro de 2020



Esta uma oportunidade de fazer contatos com membros RC de todos os estados Brasileiros com a confirmaçao de E.qsl em site proprio do / RC Eqsl  

estados que estao confirmados para o TROFY
       Estações para contato: 3RC / AC, 3RC / AL, 3RC / AP, 3RC / AM, 3RC / BA1, 3RC / BA2, 3RC / CE, 3RC / DF1, 3RC / DF2, 3RC / ES, 3RC / GO, 3RC / MA, 3RC / MT, 3RC / MS, 3RC / MG1, 3RC / MG2, 3RC / PA, 3RC / PB, 3RC / PR, 3RC / PE, 3RC / PI, 3RC / RJ1, RC / RJ2, 3RC / RN, 3RC / RS1, 3RC / RS2, 3RC / RS3, 3RC / RO, 3RC / RR, 3RC / SC1, 3RC / SC2, 3RC / SC3, 3RC / SP1, 3RC / SP2, 3RC / SP3, 3RC / SP4, 3RC / SP5, 3RC / SP6, 3RC / SP7, 3RC / SP8, 3RC / SE, 3RC / TO, 3RC / HQ1, 3RC / HQ2, 

Brazilian States Trophy Rules

This trophy is open to all operators around the world (RC or no RC).
The objective of this contest is to contact the more possible brazilian states activated by RC members.

Date : 01/02 to 31/12/2021

Points to hunter stations :

1 point by 3RC station contacted who active a state

Each brazilian state contacted is a multifier

10 points to a contact with 3RC/HQ stations

Points to activators stations :

1 point by station in the log

Each DXCC in the log count like multiplicator

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